What's the Bzz? Starbucks Pike Place Roast and Cafe Verona Coffees

I was pretty excited about this particular Bzz campaign. I've been a coffee drinker all of my adult life and really thought I could do this report particular justice. I've drank bought and coffee at all levels: high end beans you grind yourself, middle of the road grinds, store brands and even generic. I've pretty much had it all.

I was sorely mistaken about this being easy to write up. How do you put into words coffee aroma, taste and flavor and other essential elements to a good cup of joe?

From the Bzz materials:http://media-files.gather.com/images/d938/d285/d746/d224/d96/f3/full.jpg
Pike Place Roast: "a smooth, round finish and subtle flavors of cocoa and toasted nuts...", the perfect every day coffee.

Pike Place Roast was a fantastic cup of coffee. It was smooth, not bitter at all. I certainly didn't detect any cocoa or toasted nuts though. I served my cup with a splash of half and half and it was the perfect blend.
The aroma upon first opening the bag was heavenly, just like a good coffee should be!

I give PPR 4 out of 5 mugs. The only negative I found was that it was ground a bit too fine for my tastes and a lot of the grind was left in the coffee pot. I won't drink this. I ended up wasting a fair bit of coffee with this particular roast. While this was great coffee, I wouldn't buy it.

Cafe Verona: "a dark cocoa texture and a roasty sweetness."

Cafe Verona was rather unpleasant to drink. While it mellowed as I drank it, it started out quite bitter.
The aroma when opening the bag reminded me of burnt marshmallows and was almost repellent.
Cafe Verona was also ground too finely for my tastes and a lot of the final brew ended up wasted.

I give CV 2 out of 5 mugs. It did mellow enough to be drinkable, but it isn't a variety of coffee I would ever buy.

While one of the more challenging campaigns I've ever had to express, it was also one of the most enjoyable. It's been a while since I've gotten to enjoy a really good cup of coffee, one provided by the Pike Place Roast variety.http://media-files.gather.com/images/d464/d287/d746/d224/d96/f3/full.jpg


  1. I like both, but Caffee Verona is the clear-winner for me. To each their own!


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